‘Spring aboard’ and learn boating safety

It may still feel like winter, but spring is right around the corner. The Oregon State Marine Board encourages boaters and their passengers to take a boating education course before the boating season gets underway. Source: ‘Spring aboard’ and learn boating safety – KTVZ

Know the rules

There are so many places to boat around the world, each area with slightly different rules and requirements. If you’re planning on visiting a new area that you’ve never boated in before, take some time to learn the rules for that destination so that you’re safe and can get the most out of your trip,

Why is there no map of the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle, one of the most mysterious places on Earth, doesn’t have an official map and the U.S. Coast Guard is why. Source: Why is there no map of the Bermuda Triangle? The U.S. Coast Guard has the answer | Big Think

Boating Career

Boating is a good way to earn a living, with a variety of ways to do that. Everything from maintenance to being a skipper is an option. Which brings us around to spreading the word on the importance of boating safety, working in boating gives us all the opportunity to do just that. A little … Read more

Slow Down

Increasing safety is as simple as slowing down when boating in areas with a significant amount of vessel traffic, that one little thing can make all the difference in the world.

Stay Warm

Boating in winter conditions can be fatal. The cold weather is not your friend, so take precautions and dress to stay warm.