
This sitemap is of the pages included on Harbor News.
If you would like to read the blog posts, please click here.


Opt-out preferences

Opt-out preferences   This is a duplicate of our Privacy Policy as we do not store any data directly on this site. However, Google Analytics collects location data for analytics only to provide performance measures if you are using a default browser. If you do not want your location data collected, please feel free to […]


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Tides & Currents

Two different layouts from the same station. Tides & Currents Santa Barbara, CA – Station ID: 9411340. NOAA Station NTBC1 – 9411340 – Santa Barbara, CA.


For divers who use linux on their computers, now there is Subsurface opensource software program. It works on Ubuntu 18.04 Information from the Software install… Subsurface can plan and track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix. It allows tracking of dive locations including GPS coordinates (which can also conveniently be entered using […]

Fishing Licenses

Fishing Licenses “Purchasing Licenses, Tags, Draw Applications, Lands Passes, etc.” DO NOT BUY TAGS, REPORT CARDS, WATERFOWL PASSES, OR CDFW LANDS PASSES VIA THE INTERNET UNLESS YOU CAN ALLOW 15 DAYS FOR DELIVERY BEFORE YOU INTEND TO USE THEM. These items are mailed to you and cannot be self-printed. Fishing Map

News Archive

This list is of the “News” Category, view more categories down in the footer (bottom) section. Contents 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011


This sitemap is of the pages included on Harbor News. If you would like to read the blog posts, please click here.

Research in Indonesia

A few months ago, I and a few friends helped out a UCSB Graduate Student Kitty Currier of the Department of Geography, with obtaining technology equipment for her year long trip to Indonesia. The following is about her research… Perhaps you wondered what you laptop will be doing halfway around the world. It will be […]

Links to Marine Recreation

Links to Marine Recreation The following are links to Marine Recreation (fishing, paddling, boating, kayaking, sailing, regatas, yachting, etc). This is not an endorsement, but serves as a resource for informational purposes only. Please feel free to submit your information via the contact page if you are interested in having your (marine recreation related) information […]


Contents Software Tools for Ocean related uses Subsurface divelog program Ocean Data View Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools Apps for Ocean Management and Conservation National Oceanographic Data Centre OBIS—Ocean Biogeographic Information System