Independence Day

Independence Day will be here before you know it. If you’re going to be in the Santa Barbara area, please join us along the waterfront for a fun filled day of festivities, capped off by a fireworks display.

The heat is on

Summer officially arrived yesterday and with it the heat. Being too hot isn’t healthy, so drink lots of water, and avoid long periods of time spent directly in the sun, and take appropriate breaks if you work outdoors. Better yet, some cooling R and R out on a boat could be just what’s needed. Stay … Read more

Be Smart

Yesterday we observed some folks swimming across a navigation channel, putting themselves in harms way and creating a hazard for boaters. We appreciate that people want to have fun and enjoy the water, but be smart about it. No one wants a needless tragedy.


The weekend is knocking on the door. Have some fun, be safe, and get some rest.


Temperatures are starting to climb out there. Just a reminder to folks that hot temps bring health risks, so do what you can to stay cool and out of the direct sun if you can, and remember to drink lots of water.


Boating can be expensive, especially if your boat breaks down. So, it’s best to stay ahead of the game by regular preventative maintenance. Remember, repairs can be costly.