It’s a dangerous world

It’s a dangerous world out there folks. It’s theat simple, so don’t expect it to change. Just understand that and take precautions. Being prepared for the predictable is easy, adapting for the unpredicted is the challenge. All we can say is learn by your mistakes and make the best of it.

Moving Ahead

Another meeting to address operational concerns by 3rd parties who barely have a vested interest in a technology project? Happens all the time, just be prepared, and do your research. The more you’re able to anticipate and answer questions the better. That’s how you keep a project moving forward.

Review Process

So, we here at Harbor News find ourselves once again reviewing software. Why? Times change and you’ve got to change with them. But, change for change’s sake is another matter. Make sure there’s a reason for what you’re doing, make sure it makes sense to make the change and always look at the pros and … Read more


All work and no play aren’t good for you. Take some time off and go fishing, you know, do something fun. It’s good for the soul.

Death Toll Zero

So, Hurrican Patricia hit Mexico with full force and yet there wasn’t a single casualty. That says a lot about taking these things seriously and being prepared. It really does make all the difference in the world. Though the media seemed disappointed that no one died, that’s just their nature. There’s an important lesson to … Read more

Quick Check

We know it still doesn’t feel like, but it’s now Autumn, which means changing weather and bigger challenges out on the water. Take some time to inspect your vessel and make sure everything is in order. You can’t be too safe.

It can be done

The rains returned briefly to Southern California yesterday, and yet most of the much needed water will run into the sea rather than help quench a parched land ravaged by drought. Why? Poor planning and years of neglected infrastructure. If we are to face and solve our problems we need to face them head-on rather … Read more

Hurricane Hunters

It’s amazing the lengths Hurricane Hunters will go to in trying to get a grasp on how weather works and understanding mother nature. We’ve only scratched the surface in this, let’s hope we continue to learn and grow in understanding and not let our emotions get the better of reason.


The world is filled with danger, and also with those to help us along our journeys. Lighthouses alert us to the dangers ahead and help us navigate the path or sea before us. Remember to give thanks for these true blessings.