Be Vigilant

Boaters need to be extra vigilant during holidays for several important reasons:

1. **Increased Traffic**: Holidays often bring a significant increase in the number of boats on the water. More boats mean more potential for accidents and collisions, making it crucial for boaters to be extra cautious and aware of their surroundings.

2. **Presence of Inexperienced Boaters**: Holidays attract many casual and inexperienced boaters who may not be familiar with boating rules and safety practices. Experienced boaters need to be vigilant to anticipate and respond to potentially erratic behavior from these less experienced individuals.

3. **Alcohol Consumption**: Holidays are often associated with celebrations, which can include alcohol consumption. Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and illegal. Boaters need to be vigilant not only about their own consumption but also watch for other boaters who may be impaired.

4. **Crowded and Unpredictable Conditions**: With more people on the water, conditions can become crowded and unpredictable. Swimmers, kayakers, and paddleboarders might also be out in larger numbers, increasing the need for heightened awareness to avoid accidents.

5. **Weather and Water Conditions**: Holidays often fall in peak boating seasons, which can bring varying weather and water conditions. Boaters must stay informed about weather forecasts and water conditions to ensure safe navigation.

6. **Law Enforcement Presence**: During holidays, law enforcement agencies often increase their presence on the water to ensure safety and enforce boating laws. Being vigilant helps boaters comply with regulations and avoid penalties.

7. **Emergency Preparedness**: The increased activity can lead to more emergencies, such as capsized boats or medical issues. Being vigilant ensures that boaters are prepared to respond quickly to emergencies, either their own or others’.

8. **Environmental Protection**: High traffic during holidays can impact the environment. Vigilant boaters can help protect wildlife and natural habitats by avoiding restricted areas and minimizing their environmental footprint.

By being extra vigilant, boaters can help ensure a safe, enjoyable, and responsible experience for themselves and others on the water.
