Small Craft Advisories

A Small Craft Advisory is a type of marine weather warning issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) in the United States to alert mariners about conditions that may be hazardous to small boats. Here’s a detailed overview:

### Criteria and Purpose
– **Wind Speeds**: Typically, a Small Craft Advisory is issued when sustained wind speeds reach between 20 to 33 knots (23 to 38 mph), or when there are frequent gusts within this range.
– **Wave Heights**: It can also be issued if significant wave heights (the average of the highest one-third of the waves) are expected to reach hazardous levels for small vessels.
– **Other Factors**: Occasionally, other conditions such as poor visibility due to fog, heavy rain, or a combination of factors like strong currents and tidal surges might prompt the advisory.

### Impact on Mariners
– **Safety Concerns**: Small boats, generally those less than 20 feet in length, can be particularly vulnerable to capsizing or being swamped in these conditions. Mariners in small boats are advised to stay in port, seek safe harbor, or use extreme caution if they must be on the water.
– **Operational Decisions**: Commercial and recreational boaters use these advisories to make informed decisions about whether it’s safe to venture out or continue operating on the water.

### Issuance and Duration
– **When Issued**: These advisories can be issued year-round and are based on the forecasted conditions for specific areas, including coastal and inland waters, the Great Lakes, and offshore waters.
– **Duration**: The duration of a Small Craft Advisory can vary, often lasting for several hours to a couple of days, depending on the persistence of the adverse conditions.

### Associated Advisories
– **Gale Warning**: Issued when wind speeds are forecast to be between 34 to 47 knots.
– **Storm Warning**: Issued for wind speeds of 48 knots or higher.
– **Hurricane Force Wind Warning**: Issued for wind speeds of 64 knots or higher due to a hurricane.

### Communication and Resources
– **Broadcasts**: The NWS disseminates these advisories through various channels, including NOAA Weather Radio, marine VHF radio, and online platforms.
– **Online Tools**: Mariners can access real-time weather data, including Small Craft Advisories, through the NWS website, mobile apps, and other meteorological services.

### Importance of Heeding Advisories
– **Safety**: Heeding these advisories is crucial for the safety of life and property. Ignoring them can lead to dangerous situations, including capsizing, loss of control, and even fatalities.
– **Preparedness**: Mariners are encouraged to have safety equipment, check weather forecasts regularly, and plan routes accordingly to avoid hazardous conditions.

Understanding and paying attention to Small Craft Advisories is essential for anyone operating small vessels to ensure safe and prudent navigation on the waters.
