This Ancient Art

Celestial navigation, an ancient art,
Used to chart a course, right from the start,
With sextants and charts, measuring angles and heights,
And plot their course with the starry lights.

Polaris, the North Star, was their guide,
As they sailed across the ocean wide,
Using its position to find their way,
Through storms and waves, night and day.

The moon, the sun, and planets too,
All helped the sailors find their true,
Direction and bearing, across the sea,
Navigating with celestial harmony.

And though we have GPS today,
Celestial navigation still holds sway,
For it’s a testament to human skill,
To navigate the stars, with precision and will.

So let us remember this ancient art,
And the sailors who sailed with heart,
Guided by the stars, with courage and grace,
Celestial navigation, a legacy we embrace.