Get the word out

What’s the best way to promote boating safety? Education. There are a lot of safety resources available to boaters, but they’re no good unless people know about them. Getting the word out about is one way we can help each other in this regard, share what you know.

Time Out

We all need to take some time out. To regroup and refocus so that we can see more clearly. So we can prioritize important from non-important. To clear our heads and free our thinking, being out on the water is one of the many ways to do this. So, when you get a chance take … Read more

Take Care

The daily rush of life can take its toll, making it easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves in addition to looking out for those around us. The thing is, it’s important to do the first in order to be able to do the later. So, just a friendly reminder that … Read more