Tag: Commentary

Not long ago

It wasn’t all that long ago that a voyage at sea held the possibility of sea monsters and being attacked by pirates, such is the... Read More

Take some time

Take some time to refresh the soul and enjoy the wonders around you while you can. Read More

Safe Seas

It is up to all of us to make the seas a safer place for our fellow mariners. Respect and courtesy for each other and... Read More

Know the basics

In this day and age of technology it’s important to understand the underlying principles that it’s built upon. All things rest on a foundation and... Read More

Rough Seas

We all have to face rough seas from time to time. That’s how we learn to navigate through life. Read More


If you’re in California you’re well aware of the heat wave that seems to have been going on for months now. Along the coast folks... Read More

Change Direction

Sometimes we’re so focused on where we want to go, we don’t see where we’re headed. Just as in sailing we need to be aware... Read More

Dream free

Our dreams set us free. Read More

Passing Time

As the summer comes to an end it’s time to reflect on the season and all the memories made. Time has a funny way of... Read More

All connected

You’d never know by looking at the world that we’ve got more in common with each other than our differences, and yet that’s what we... Read More

Healthy Respect

Life on earth as we know it can all trace its roots to the sea. We sprang from the oceans, and it’s important that we... Read More