We’re tied to the sea

Humanity is tied to the sea. It’s where life sprang from and it’s what sustains this planet. We need to remember this, keep it in mind always and have a reverence for the sea. For without it, there’s nothing.

Destination Unknown

We set sail in life, our destination unknown and make the most of what we encounter along our journey, sharing laughter and joy, tears and sadness, and everything in between. The adventure is ours to make the most of, and when we can ease the load and brighten the day of those we run into … Read more

California Drought

You’ll hear a lot of hype about the drought in California. Lots of it irresponsible media hype, not accurate, and not in the best interest of the public. Just a sign of our culture. All we can say is use water wisely and don’t be wasteful.

By example

We teach by example, and yet we don’t think too much about that and we should. If you want young folks to be safe and responsible on the water, show them how it’s done. Don’t just tell them. Live by your words, and not just with boating, but with everything. That’s how you teach and … Read more


Our heritage is tide to the sea, the bounty of it sustains us. It’s the source of life on this planet, and we need to respect it. It should be a tradition never to forget this.

Our nautical traditions

It’s important that we honor, keep, and share our nautical traditions. It’s our connection to the past, to nature, and to one another. These experiences opened up new worlds beyond the imagination for us to explore, and set free the human spirit.


We wanted to take this time to thank the folks who follow and read our blog, and to thank our webmaster who keeps us up and running. You are the ones who make all of this possible.

Calm Down

There’s a lot of hype and hysteria these days aimed against cruise ships. They’ve become the enemy du jour, especially for cities along the California coast. They get much more media focus than they should if heaven forbid something goes wrong, like someone getting sick, or falling overboard. Sensationalism sells, never mind the fact that … Read more

Take some time

Life’s short folks and it’s easy to forget that, we understand. It’s always good to take some time and spend it with family and friends. Memories with loved ones are priceless.