Rest is good

Rest is key to our health, something so simple yet it is often overlooked or ignored. Don’t do that. Get the rest you need and you’ll be much better for it. So, relax, rest, and spend some time out on the water if you can. You’ll be glad you did.

Are you ready?

Well the unofficial start of summer is upon us, so, the question is are you boaters ready for it? We hope so. It might be a bit of work, but making sure your vessel is sound and safe is worth the effort as it will bring you much worry free time on the water. Be … Read more

Up to us all

Promoting safe boating works best when we all practices as well as promote it. Each in turn doing what they can to make our time spent on the water enjoyable. That’s not too much to ask,


Most people take rest for granted, not realizing its true importance. The fact is that rest is vital to our well being and our safety. It helps to give us the strength to function and cope with the challenges the world throws our way. It also contributes to making recreational activities such as boating more … Read more

Time Out

We all need to take some time out. To regroup and refocus so that we can see more clearly. So we can prioritize important from non-important. To clear our heads and free our thinking, being out on the water is one of the many ways to do this. So, when you get a chance take … Read more

Take Care

The daily rush of life can take its toll, making it easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves in addition to looking out for those around us. The thing is, it’s important to do the first in order to be able to do the later. So, just a friendly reminder that … Read more

It’s important

We tend to go on here about being safe when you’re out, not just on the water, but anywhere. Life can change in an instant. If you’ve ever lost anyone in an instant you’ll know that being a little extra careful can make a big difference.

What I have learned from boating

Compare real estate to boating? There are amazing similarities. In my spare time, I love to be on the water. An afternoon with my husband in the sun on a boa Source: What I have learned from boating | News, Sports, Jobs – Tribune Chronicle


Just a reminder folks that you are responsible for your own safety. So, when you’re out on the water exercise the appropriate care and have fun.

Take a break

It’s easy to get stuck in the rut of working, so, it’s good to set that aside from time to time. Take a break, get out on the water and enjoy the summer. It will do wonders for clearing the mind.

Time well spent

Time marches by so quickly. We never get it back, so, if you can, spend as much of it with the ones you love doing things that you love. That’s called time well spent.