More Boating Safety

Boating Safety is important. Take some time to learn how you can have a safe summer of boating. Read More

Run up the Colours

Today is National Maritime Day, a day we honor the United States Merchant Marine. These mariners have dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms, and have... Read More

Naval History

Here’s some interesting Naval History about the Course to Midway. Lots of nicely presented information. Read More


The fog is upon us Read More


I’m planning on testing some marine related social media software called BlooSee… I’ll give a report back later. Read More

Crow’s Nest

Crows were kept on ships as an aid to navigation, and were kept high on a mast. Hence the origin of the term “Crow’s Nest”. Read More


It came late in the season. Be safe. Read More


It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway… Be weather wise before heading out to sea. Read More


Spring is still upon us, and it sure looks like a day worth getting out and enjoying. Read More

Swap Meet Reminder

Today is the Santa Barbara Nautical Swap Meet in the Main Harbor Parking lot from 8 a.m. to noon. Read More

Cold Water

Don’t underestimate the danger of cold water. Here’s some Cold Water survival tips. Be safe. Read More