Category: Nautical


[flickr id=”4642480575″ thumbnail=”medium” align=”left”] Fill your life with good memories…. the things you’ll treasure are these. Read More


I just ran across an interesting Nautical Mapping story. Mapping is a very important part of nautical history, and is as important today as it... Read More

Maritime History

Interested in Maritime History? San Francisco Maritime Park is a good place to visit if you’re in the area. Read More

Run up the Colours

Today is National Maritime Day, a day we honor the United States Merchant Marine. These mariners have dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms, and have... Read More

Crow’s Nest

Crows were kept on ships as an aid to navigation, and were kept high on a mast. Hence the origin of the term “Crow’s Nest”. Read More

Bilge Pumps

Safety tip: Keep your bilge pumps in working order…. You never know when you may need them. Read More

Life Jackets

The majority of boating accident drownings are the result of people not wearing life jackets. Be safe, assign and fit your vessel crew with life... Read More

Did you know?

Yachting became an Olympic event at the 1896 Games in Greece. Read More