American Shipbuilding

American shipbuilding has a rich and diverse history that dates back to the early days of European colonization in North America. The country’s shipbuilding industry played a significant role in its development, contributing to maritime trade, exploration, defense, and industrial growth. Here is an overview of the history of American shipbuilding: Colonial Era (1600s-1700s): In … Read more

Derelict Boats

Derelict boats pose safety hazards, especially at this time of year when storms and rough seas tend to push them towards shore. Keep an eye out for them and report them to the pepper authorities when you see them. It’s up to all of us to keep the waters safe.

A little cleaning

Just a quick reminder that it’s always a good thing to give your vessel the once or twice over, make sure she’s in tip top ship, clean, safe, and ready to go.


The fact that the U.S. now has politicians clamoring for more icebreakers is another case of too little, too late. A distraction more than anything else. We’ve been neglecting this need for decades and are now are throwing out empty words. These days its better to believe it when you see it, not when you … Read more