Tag: Technology

Vaka Moana Canoes reach San Franciso

A group of traditional type Vaka Moana Canoes, outfitted with some modern technology, have just reached San Francisco from New Zealand. This is part of... Read More

Take Me Fishing

Take Me Fishing is a great website with lots of resources for those who like to fish. It’s got interactive maps, which is something we... Read More

Daily Boater | Boating News: GPS – Adding Insult to Injury!

Daily Boater | Boating News: GPS – Adding Insult to Injury!. A very interesting read on GPS technology… Read More

A Big Thanks

Just wanted to give our webmaster a big thanks for the ongoing changes to Harbor News. Much appreciated. Read More

Minor Changes

We’re still working on Harbor News, you’ll notice some small cosmetic changes which we hope you like. Suggestions are always welcome. Read More


We’ve updated to the latest version of WordPress… and are making other minor improvements. We hope you enjoy the site. Read More


Do you have an EPRIB on your boat? If not, it might just be worth getting one. You never know when you might need one. Read More

iPhone Apps

Discover Boating has provided links to some very useful Nautical Apps for the iPhone user. Read More


I just ran across an interesting Nautical Mapping story. Mapping is a very important part of nautical history, and is as important today as it... Read More


I’m planning on testing some marine related social media software called BlooSee… I’ll give a report back later. Read More

A little surprising

In doing research on Marinas that provide Free WiFi, it’s surprising how little there is. In this day and age you’d think this type of... Read More