Sailing Season

Spring is a good time for sailing…[flickr id=”5641792259″ thumbnail=”medium” align=”none”] Enjoy the season… Read More


Out of curiosity, I’ve started researching harbors that provide free WiFi… Here’s one: Cabrillo Isle Marina in San Diego, California. I’m planning on doing some... Read More


Not much to report this morning…. I need to do something about luffing sails. Read More

Foggy Mornings

As summer approaches we are starting to get foggy and overcast mornings. Let’s hope it burns off by this afternoon. Read More


Here’s a little trivia: A scuttlebutt is a cask that holds drinking water on a ship…. I’m sure you can guess how it became associated... Read More

Another beautiful day

Looks like it’s going to be another beautiful spring day. Enjoy! Read More


Looks like a good day for some sailing. Enjoy the day folks. Read More

San Francisco Marina West Harbor Renovation

Work on renovating San Francisco Marina West set to begin. For more info: click here. Read More


Cat lovers, spread the word. If you’re in the Santa Barbara area, C.A.R.E.4PAWS & ASAP have launched a Spring Spatathon for Cats. This is taking... Read More


The wind kicked up late this afternoon, but that didn’t seem to deter people wanting to take their sailboats out. Read More

Clearing up

The clouds are passing and it’s shaping up to be a nice day. Read More