Happy Surfing

Today is John Bridley’s last day as the Santa Barbara Waterfront Director. We wish him lots of great surfing in his retirement. Thank you for... Read More

A moving boat

Yesterday, I had the challenge of trying to shoot portraits on a moving boat during a retirement party. Let me tell you it’s tough when... Read More

Be Prepared

The Independence Day weekend is fast approaching. If you’re planning on spending any time on the water, now would be a good time to do... Read More

Harbor Patrol Officers Receive Award

Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol Officers Ryan Kelly and Ed Steton received the prestigious CBSOA award for their extreme efforts at rescuing a distressed family during... Read More

Self-service parking

If you’re in the Santa Barbara harbor area, you’ll see the beginnings of an upgrade to the self-service parking lots. Starting in the Harbor West... Read More


The fog has lifted…. it’s nice and sunny, should be a great day for sailing. Read More

Tallship Weekend

Just a quick reminder that Channel Islands Harbor is having a Tallship Festival throughout the weekend. Read More


It’s movie night again out on Stearns Wharf. They’ll be showing Footloose this evening. The movie starts at dusk. Read More

Plus One Boating

It’s always important to be responsible when enjoying boating…. Here’s some info that may help, it’s called Plus One Boating. Which basically is a reminder... Read More

Sea Critters

If you’re in the Norwalk, Connecticut area and want to learn more about sea critters, you’ll be happy to know that new aquarium programs are... Read More

Aids to Navigation

Sorry about the late post. Network problems all day. I wanted to share this link on Aids to Navigation. Read More