Stay Hydrated

We’re having a bit of a heat wave out here in California, and this can play havoc on one’s health. Stay hydrated folks, and avoid excessive exertion if you can. Remember be safe, especially if you’re out on the water.

Who Can Sail Without the Wind

Who can sail without the wind? Who can row without oars? Who can say farewell to a friend without shedding tears? I can sail without the wind, I can row without oars, but I can´t say farewell to a friend without shedding tears. Original text: “Vem kan segla” Swedish folk song Translation: Frigga Asraaf


We got some much needed rain along the California coast, and are expected to get some more. This means that there weill be debris in the waters off the coast folks, just take some precautions and watch out for it. Be safe. Enjoy the rain.

Spring’s around the corner

It’s been a cold winter for many, but spring is around the corner and that means some fun on the water. Stay warm and hang in there.