Category: Nautical

Nautical Photography

Harbors are great places to take pictures. They’re filled will all kinds of nautical treats and make great images, so remember to bring a camera... Read More

iPhone Apps

Discover Boating has provided links to some very useful Nautical Apps for the iPhone user. Read More

Something for dad

If your father is interested in a bit of nautical history and you’re in the San Diego area, check out the 21st Annual Wooden Boat... Read More

Sailing around the Americas

Ran into an interesting sailing story. Let’s wish him a safe and sucessful journey. Read More

Live Ships Map

We live in a exciting era (technology wise), and when I find something useful I like to share. This morning in looking for nautical maps... Read More

Tall Ships

Nautical history is fascinating, especially the era of the tall ships. This month Channel Islands Harbor will be having a Tall Ship Festival, from June... Read More

50 Best Yachting Towns

Ran into this photo gallery on the 50 Best Yachting Towns on the Yachting Magazine website. There aren’t 50 towns pictured yet, but I expect... Read More

Sailing West

Sure would be nice to be sailing right now. Read More

Electronic Navigational Charts

Looking for Electronic Navigation Charts to download? You can get them here from NOAA. Read More

Queen Mary

Here’s a little nautical history…. The Queen Mary’s maiden voyage was on May 27, 1936. Happy 75th! She served as a military vessel from March... Read More


[flickr id=”4642480575″ thumbnail=”medium” align=”left”] Fill your life with good memories…. the things you’ll treasure are these. Read More