Category: Nautical

Still Reflections

Boats make for interesting photos….. Read More

New Electronic Navigational Charts

If you looking for the new ENC, here’s the link: Electronic Navigational Charts. Always a good idea to have the latest information. Read More

Nautical Measurements

Confused by Knots? Don’t be…. Here’s a great blog posting that explains the world of Nautical Measurements. Read More

Comes with the scenery

If you live along the coast, or are just visiting, boats come with the scenery. They’ve been with us so long that they’re woven into... Read More

On the water

Looks like a great day to be on the water. Read More

A moving boat

Yesterday, I had the challenge of trying to shoot portraits on a moving boat during a retirement party. Let me tell you it’s tough when... Read More

Tallship Weekend

Just a quick reminder that Channel Islands Harbor is having a Tallship Festival throughout the weekend. Read More

Plus One Boating

It’s always important to be responsible when enjoying boating…. Here’s some info that may help, it’s called Plus One Boating. Which basically is a reminder... Read More

Aids to Navigation

Sorry about the late post. Network problems all day. I wanted to share this link on Aids to Navigation. Read More


For you Dads out there…. enjoy Father’s Day… Hopefully with family. And for you grandfathers…. being an old salt isn’t such a bad thing. Read More

Wooden Boats

Just a quick reminder. The San Diego Wooden boat festival is today and tomorrow. Read More