
Hydration is of paramount importance to mariners for several reasons, given the unique challenges and conditions they face while at sea. Here are some key reasons why staying properly hydrated is crucial for mariners: 1. **Physical Performance:** – Sailing and operating a vessel demand physical exertion. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, reduced endurance, and impaired … Read more


The history of having citrus on nautical vessels is closely linked to the prevention of scurvy, a debilitating and potentially fatal disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Scurvy has been a significant problem for sailors on long sea voyages throughout history. Here’s a brief overview of the history: 1. Ancient Times: The use … Read more

Boating and Health

How Boating Can Improve Health Physical Exercise: Boating provides opportunities for physical exercise, such as rowing, paddling, sailing, or walking around the boat, which can improve cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and enhance flexibility. Mental Well-being: Boating can promote mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression through the calming effect of being on the … Read more

To your health

Boating can provide several health benefits, including: Exercise: Boating can provide a low-impact, full-body workout as it involves rowing, paddling, or operating the boat. This can improve cardiovascular health, build strength, and help with weight loss. Stress relief: Being out on the water can be a peaceful and relaxing experience, which can help reduce stress … Read more

It will pass

These days, all we hear about is the pandemic. Never mind any other health issues. That’s not good. People need to remember to get rest, eat right, and take care of themselves in general. The pandemic will pass…

Get rest

It’s easy to get caught up in projects, forgetting that we need to look after ourselves. So, remember to get the rest you need, it will help you get more done in the long run.


Don’t underestimate the importance of getting lots of rest. It can make the world of difference when it comes to staying healthy,

Too much sun

Too much sun can have some serious affects on one’s health and safety, as we learned the hard way. Take precautions to avoid being overexposed and drink plenty of water and you should be fine. Best to have someone with you in the event you do get too much sun and you need some assistance. … Read more